
Working Papers

Household Liquidity Policy (Job Market Paper - coming soon), with Patrick Moran

Situational and Behavioral Determinants of Early Withdrawal from Retirement Accounts, with Patrick Moran

The Nested-Drift Algorithm, with Soroush Sabet

Yield to Temptation

Policy work

Disunited Kingdom? Brexit, Trade and Scottish Independence, with Hanwei Huang and Thomas Sampson
CEP Brexit Analysis No. 17 (2021) [LSE blog] [VOX EU blog]

Market Power and Monetary Policy, with Tommaso Aquilante, Shiv Chowla, Nikola Dacic, Andrew Haldane, Riccardo Masolo, Martin Seneca, and Srdan Tatomir
Bank of England Working Paper No. 798 (2019) 

Decomposing Differences in Productivity Distributions
Bank of England Working Paper No. 740 (2018)

Writing from a past life

Organizational Cultures of Corruption, with Gautam Bose
Journal of Public Economic Theory (2017) 19:1